HETSH يتحدى الملل
اهلا بك عزيزى الزائر..اذا كنت عضو تفضل بالدخول (اضغط على دخول) واذا كنت زائر يشرفنا انضمامك لنا (اضغط على تسجيل) ..اهلا بك فى بيتك ونتمنى ان تقضى معنا اسعد الاوقات

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

HETSH يتحدى الملل
اهلا بك عزيزى الزائر..اذا كنت عضو تفضل بالدخول (اضغط على دخول) واذا كنت زائر يشرفنا انضمامك لنا (اضغط على تسجيل) ..اهلا بك فى بيتك ونتمنى ان تقضى معنا اسعد الاوقات
HETSH يتحدى الملل
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

لقد نسيت كلمة السر


نتائج البحث

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قم بحفض و مشاطرة الرابط HETSH يتحدى الملل على موقع حفض الصفحات

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4/29/2010, 12:55 am من طرف محمد احمد

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What Is Binge Drinking?

اذهب الى الأسفل

What Is Binge Drinking? Empty What Is Binge Drinking?

مُساهمة من طرف sheto 3/31/2011, 12:41 am

What Is Binge Drinking?

has known Dave since they were in elementary school together, but
lately their friendship has been strained. Dave's drinking on weekends
has turned him into a completely different person. Dave used to get good
grades and play sports, but since he started drinking he hasn't been
finishing assignments and he has quit the soccer team.

When Chet saw Dave pound five beers in 30 minutes at two different parties, he realized how serious Dave's problem was.

What Is Binge Drinking?

Binge drinking used to mean drinking heavily over several days. Now,
however, the term refers to the heavy consumption of alcohol over a
short period of time (just as binge eating means a specific period of
uncontrolled overeating).

Today the generally accepted definition of binge drinking in the
United States is the consumption of five or more drinks in a row by men —
or four or more drinks in a row by women — at least once in the
previous 2 weeks. Heavy binge drinking includes three or more such
episodes in 2 weeks.

Why Do People Binge Drink?

Liquor stores, bars, and alcoholic beverage companies make drinking
seem attractive and fun. It's easy for a high school student to get
caught up in a social scene with lots of peer pressure. Inevitably, one
of the biggest areas of peer pressure is drinking.

Other reasons why people drink include:

  • They're curious — they want to know what it's like to drink alcohol.
  • They believe that it will make them feel good, not realizing it could just as easily make them sick and hung-over.
  • They may look at alcohol as a way to reduce stress, even though it can end up creating more stress.
  • They want to feel older.

What Are the Risks of Binge Drinking?

Many people don't think about the negative side of drinking. Although
they think about the possibility of getting drunk, they may not give
much consideration to being hung-over or throwing up.

You may know from experience that excessive drinking can lead to
difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, mood changes, and other
problems that affect your day-to-day life. But binge drinking carries
more serious and longer-lasting risks as well.

What Is Binge Drinking? 657_image

Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is the most life-threatening consequence of binge
drinking. When someone drinks too much and gets alcohol poisoning, it
affects the body's involuntary reflexes — including breathing and the
gag reflex. If the gag reflex isn't working properly, a person can choke
to death on his or her vomit.

Other signs someone may have alcohol poisoning include:

  • extreme confusion
  • inability to be awakened
  • vomiting
  • seizures
  • slow or irregular breathing
  • low body temperature
  • bluish or pale skin

If you think someone has alcohol poisoning, call 911 immediately.

Impaired Judgment

Binge drinking impairs judgment, so drinkers are more likely to take
risks they might not take when they're sober. They may drive drunk and
injure themselves or others. Driving isn't the only motor skill that's
impaired, though. Walking is also more difficult while intoxicated. In
2000, roughly one third of pedestrians 16 and older who were killed in
traffic accidents were intoxicated.

What Is Binge Drinking? T_drinkersGreaterRiskOfInjury

People who are drunk also take other risks they might not normally
take when they're sober. For example, people who have impaired judgment
may have unprotected sex, putting them at greater risk of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or unplanned pregnancy.

Physical Health

Studies show that people who binge-drink throughout high school are
more likely to be overweight and have high blood pressure by the time
they are 24. Just one regular beer contains about 150 calories, which
adds up to a lot of calories if someone drinks four or five beers a

What Is Binge Drinking? T_bingeDrinkingBrain

Mental Health

Binge drinkers have a harder time in school and they're more likely
to drop out. Drinking disrupts sleep patterns, which can make it harder
to stay awake and concentrate during the day. This can lead to struggles
with studying and poor academic performance.

People who binge-drink may find that their friends drift away — which
is what happened with Chet and Dave. Drinking can affect personality;
people might become angry or moody while drinking, for example.


Some studies have shown that people who binge-drink heavily — those
who have three or more episodes of binge drinking in 2 weeks — have some
of the symptoms of alcoholism.

Getting Help

If you think you or a friend have a binge-drinking problem, get help
as soon as possible. The best approach is to talk to an adult you trust —
if you can't approach your parents, talk to your doctor, school
counselor, clergy member, aunt, or uncle.

What Is Binge Drinking? T_bingeDrinkingAffectsNon-Drinkers

It can be hard for some people to talk to adults about these issues,
so an alternative could be a trusted friend or older sibling who is easy
to talk to. Drinking too much can be the result of social pressures,
and sometimes it helps to know there are others who have gone through
the same thing.

If you're worried, don't hesitate to ask someone for help. A
supportive friend or adult could help you to avoid pressure situations,
stop drinking, or find counseling.

Reviewed by: Steven Dowshen, MD
Date reviewed: April 2009

Getting Help

If you think you or a friend have a binge-drinking problem, get help
as soon as possible. The best approach is to talk to an adult you trust —
if you can't approach your parents, talk to your doctor, school
counselor, clergy member, aunt, or uncle.

What Is Binge Drinking? T_bingeDrinkingAffectsNon-Drinkers

It can be hard for some people to talk to adults about these issues,
so an alternative could be a trusted friend or older sibling who is easy
to talk to. Drinking too much can be the result of social pressures,
and sometimes it helps to know there are others who have gone through
the same thing.

If you're worried, don't hesitate to ask someone for help. A
supportive friend or adult could help you to avoid pressure situations,
stop drinking, or find counseling.

Reviewed by: Steven Dowshen, MD
Date reviewed: April 2009

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سوبر ستار

عدد الرسائل : 295
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/12/2008

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